Hey! How's it going? I noticed you were considering upgrading your account to Codecademy Pro — I think you'll be glad if you do. Here's a secret: Pro is more than checking the boxes and it is more than getting things done. It's a journey of personal inquisition, the mystery of learning and discovery as Ada Lovelace developed the first computer program, as Tim Berners-Lee connected the world, and then as Satoshi Nakamoto decentralized it.
How's it going?
I noticed you were considering upgrading your account
to Codecademy Pro — I think you'll be glad if you do. Here's a secret:
Pro is more than checking the boxes and it is more than getting things
It's a journey of personal inquisition, the
mystery of learning and discovery as Ada Lovelace developed the first
computer program, as Tim Berners-Lee connected the world, and then as
Satoshi Nakamoto decentralized it. Codecademy Pro will lead you to
places never yet imagined, through thoughts impossible to think
without the right tools and a wise guide.
Allow us to lead you
in the next step of your coding journey. Codecademy Pro has a way of helping students believe in themselves — yet
never to excess. We would be excited to see what you can do with Pro
behind you.
If you have any questions, head over to our Help Center for answers. We hope to have you join us!
Regards, Skylar
Skylar Learner Success Advocate
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