понедельник, 25 марта 2019 г.

Pop Quiz: What do Slack, Wikipedia, and WordPress have in common?

Psst: the answer is PHP and we just released a course on it. Read on to learn what the fuss is all about; this is a Monday Course Drop you don't want to miss.
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Monday Course Drop
New Course: Learn PHP!
So what is PHP exactly and what does it stand for? PHP is a backend language that originally stood for Personal Home Page tools when it was first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. He developed PHP to track how many people were checking out his resume on his website (think Linkedin but in the 90s). Fast forward to 2019, PHP is now the fourth most popular programming language in the world with companies like Slack, Wikipedia, and WordPress using it to power their websites.
So why should you learn PHP?
1. You will be in good company — 80% of the internet runs on PHP.
2. You can pick up PHP faster — compared to other backend languages such as ASP.NET or CGI which require an understanding of other languages like C# or Perl to execute.
3. Create dynamic behavior on previously static HTML sites — with PHP your website will be able to interact with databases, send email, and customize the user experience for each visitor of your site.
Customize your website with PHP.
Customize your website with PHP.
Our Learn PHP course will teach you programming fundamentals and language specific syntax. In the first two modules we'll provide background information about the PHP language—including its history and how it's used today. Then we'll get hands on, starting with basic datatypes and variables.
Start Now

Bonus Video: How to Get a Job as a Developer

We get this question a lot at Codecademy so we created a video to talk through all the critical steps. Find out what key questions you should ask yourself to make your job search as productive as possible! Follow Along P.S. Be the first to see new videos as soon as they're released: subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Happy coding,
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