вторник, 28 мая 2019 г.

Wait, isn't it Tuesday? ps: Learn C++ is complete!

It's been six months since we released C++ and your interest blew us out of the water: over 250,000 learners have enrolled in our Learn C++ course! Today, we are happy to announce that Learn C++ is now complete with two brand new units.
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Monday Course Drop
New Lessons in Learn C++!
It's been six months since we released C++ and your interest blew us out of the water: over 250,000 learners have enrolled in our Learn C++ course! Today, we are happy to announce that Learn C++ is now complete with two brand new units. The first unit, Classes and Objects, focuses on defining data types and how to build more scalable code while the second unit, References and Pointers, dives into memory allocation and how it can improve overall code performance.
We also added more content to the Functions unit: a lesson on scope and flexibility and a code challenge to practice using different types of functions and flexibility within C++.
To top it all off, we interviewed Simon Brand (they/them), a C++ expert and Developer Advocate for Microsoft. They are an active member of the international C++ community: proposing new standards and frequently speaking at conferences about the latest developments within C++. Below is an abbreviated version of our interview with them. To see it all, check out our blog post!
Simon Brand, Developer Advocate
What drew you into C++?
I kind of fell into C++ by accident. At university, I was doing some compiler work for [OpenCL], which is a language for programming accelerators, like GPUs, DSPs, specialized hardware — one programming model for all of them. Working with those compilers, the C++ decision was kind of made for me and I got interested in it and got a job in a very similar kind of field. So I was still doing C++ and the interest in it kind of just grew from there. I started reading blogs, watching videos of conference talks, and decided I wanted to write my own blogs and get involved in the standard process and start talking at conferences myself. So it just grew from there.
Where do you see C++ heading in the future?
I think in terms of where it will go in the industry, I think it will continue to develop in the embedded space, which has pretty much been owned by C for the longest time. But I think as developers in that space try and look elsewhere, or more young people get involved in the community and have context for what's going on in other languages, people will start to look at things like C++ or Rust for embedded development more.

And I think it will still be growing. From the data that I see, it's still growing in adoption across the board as well. So it will continue to be used in the financial industry and in video games and all the places where it's currently a market leader.
With our latest update, it's never been a better time to start learning C++.
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Bonus Video: How to Think Like a Programmer

Programmers are often mythologized as superheroes that can solve any type of problem put in front of them with just a few keystrokes. The reality is that most programmers have a particular mindset and approach to solving problems that helps them get to a desirable outcome. In this video we break down that mindset—so you can start thinking like a programmer too. Follow Along

In case you missed it on our blog:

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