понедельник, 19 августа 2019 г.

Crush the 🐛

New Lessons in Learn Java and Learn C++! Debugging is an essential part of every professional developer's life. While it may not seem as glamorous as writing code, ensuring those all lines of code you wrote actually function is critical.
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Monday Course Drop
New Lessons in Learn Java and Learn C++!
Debugging is an essential part of every professional developer's life. While it may not seem as glamorous as writing code, ensuring those all lines of code you wrote actually function is critical. Because it is integral to becoming a successful programmer, we are introducing an errors and debugging lesson to both our Learn Java course and our Learn C++ course this week.
In these lessons, we'll teach you about the common types of bugs you'll face, whether it be syntax, run-time, or logic errors. If bugs get you down and frustrated, check out our blog post on how to change your perspective on and approach to debugging.
On top of bugs, we are also releasing the 9th and final Learn Java lesson on Inheritance and Polymorphism which will help you understand how traits can be inherited from different classes.
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Bonus Video: How to remember everything you're learning

It's one of the top questions our learners ask at Codecademy, "how can I possibly remember all this?!" The short answer is you don't have to memorize everything all at once, and even experienced developers need to refresh their memories sometimes. For the long answer, well, you've got this video.
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Happy Coding,
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