понедельник, 28 января 2019 г.

Build a Machine Learning Model

Want to build a machine that makes accurate predictions? Then you'll have to learn how to create a system that gathers and interprets data — otherwise known as a model. In this new course, you'll learn about one powerful Machine Learning model in particular — a decision tree — which resembles a flowchart-like structure. Here's how they work.
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Monday Course Drop
Introducing Machine Learning: Decision Trees!
Want to build a machine that makes accurate predictions? Then you'll have to learn how to create a system that gathers and interprets data — otherwise known as a model. In this new course, you'll learn about one powerful Machine Learning model in particular — a decision tree — which resembles a flowchart-like structure. Here's how they work.
Let's say Netflix is trying to recommend a show for you to watch. One way they can get to a good answer is by asking you a series of questions, such as:
  • How much time do you have available?
  • Do you like romantic comedy?
  • Do you prefer shows from the 80's or 90's?
After only a handful of quick decisions with easy-to-follow rules, the range of possible recommendations becomes quite narrow. This is a decision tree in action.
Sound fun? Start this new lesson now to learn all about how to create and use decision trees.
Start Now

Bonus Lesson: Basics of Programming III

To round off our new Learn How to Code course, we teach you how to save information in a program and repeat tasks quickly. In the world of code, we call these powerful tools lists and loops. We'll explain how these concepts work and help you apply them through interactive games and short coding challenges.

Ready to begin? Click the button below to start now. Start Now

Bonus Lesson: Vue Forms

The third lesson in our Vue.js course teaches you how to use HTML forms to change data stored Vue instances. You'll start off by learning how to attach HTML form fields to the data stored on your Vue instances. Then you'll finish by learning how to clean, validate, and submit data — enabling you to create complete, interactive forms in your own applications. Start Now

Bonus Video: What is Wireframing?

The origin of the word "wireframe" dates back hundreds of years — back to an era when architects used bare-bones pencil drawings to show off 3-D models of their designs. The finished drawings frequently looked like designs constructed using wires, and so the name stuck.

Then in 1970's when the first programmers constructed software designs, a similar phenomenon happened — the designs closely resembled an outline connected by wires. Now virtually all new software projects start with wireframes. Learn more about the wireframe process in our new video: Start Now
P.S. Be the first to see new videos as soon as they're released: subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Happy coding,
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