понедельник, 21 января 2019 г.

New from Codecademy: Vue.js

When it comes to the JavaScript frameworks that front-end developers are hoping to learn in 2019, Vue.js is the leading pick. More than 46% of all respondents to a recent survey by StateOfJS said they had heard of Vue and would like to learn it — indicating that Vue's rapid rise shows no sign of slowing.
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Monday Course Drop
Introducing Learn Vue.js!
When it comes to the JavaScript frameworks that front-end developers are hoping to learn in 2019, Vue.js is the leading pick. More than 46% of all respondents to a recent survey by StateOfJS said they had heard of Vue and would like to learn it — indicating that Vue's rapid rise shows no sign of slowing.
Fortunately, if you haven't heard of Vue, it's not too late to position yourself ahead of the trend. Our new course will show you the ropes of building web user interfaces with Vue and all that makes it a stellar front-end framework.
Start from the beginning with Introduction to Vue or jump right into the specifics of Vue Instances. Either way, our new course will quickly get you up to speed on this popular new front-end framework.
Start Now

Bonus Lesson: Basics of Programming II

In the second installment of Learn How to Code, we introduce you to functions and control flow—two important coding concepts that help programmers re-use and conditionally execute code. After a brief introduction, we then help you apply these concepts in short coding challenges, which gives you a strong foundation to take on more advanced lessons.

Ready to begin? Click the button below to start now. Start Now

Bonus Video: What is Back-End?

For beginner and experienced programmers alike, the coding world is filled with intimidating words and phrases. For example, terminology such as agile, waterfall, and pull request are hardly self-explanatory. That's why we decided to create a new series of YouTube videos that explain programming-related jargon in layman's terms. New this week? Back-end.

The back-end is the critical behind-the-browser component of an application — everything that happens on servers and databases. In this video, we describe the typical inner workings of a back-end and how it complements a front-end to produce functional experiences on the web. Start Now
P.S. Be the first to see new videos as soon as they're released: subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Happy coding,
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