четверг, 16 мая 2019 г.

How I learned to build websites from scratch

Meet Heather. She's a Senior Digital Designer who learned to build websites at Codecademy. "I went to art school, and my focus has always been design..."
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Introducing Skill Paths
Meet Heather.
She's a Senior Digital Designer who learned to build websites at Codecademy.
I went to art school, and my focus has always been design. But as my career went on, it became more and more clear that learning to code was the key to advancing to the position I really wanted—lead designer at my company.
I'd tried to teach myself coding before, but I felt like I was blindly stumbling around. With Codecademy's help, I was able to build a strong foundation, from structuring my site with HTML to using CSS stylesheets.
With Codecademy's help, I was able to build a specialized skill and put it to use immediately at work.
Where's Heather now?
After studying at Codecademy, I was able to help my company move into a mobile-responsive space with our website and email marketing. Now I'm one of the leaders of design for digital marketing.
My advice to other learners is to take advantage of the opportunity to learn to code. Technical skills are becoming more and more of a requirement for careers no matter the industry. I went to art school and my focus is design, but code is an absolute necessity to my career.
Follow in her footsteps
Want to add coding to your skills—and move ahead in your career? Get started today on our new Learn to Build Websites Skill Path.
And this week only, we're offering our biggest discount ever—get 30% off a Pro annual plan. Use the code SKILLPATHS at checkout.
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