понедельник, 7 января 2019 г.

Are you prepared for this interview question?

Are you prepared to answer questions such as, "How do you remove duplicate nodes from an unsorted linked list?" or "What is the difference between lists and tuples in Python?" Most people are not.
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Monday Course Drop
Introducing Technical Interview Practice!
Are you prepared to answer questions such as, "How do you remove duplicate nodes from an unsorted linked list?" or "What is the difference between lists and tuples in Python?" Most people are not.
Difficult questions like these often have many possible variables making it hard to think clearly towards an efficient solution if you haven't prepared ahead of time. In order to improve your chances of being hired, we recommend practicing for technical interviews.
Our recently released course, Technical Interview Practice, will help you get the practice you need by helping you learn to solve problems commonly presented in an interview setting. We'll teach you proven solutions and problem-solving strategies that you can apply in your next interview.
Start from the beginning of Technical Interview Practice or choose the topic that is most helpful to you:
  1. Whiteboarding
  2. Lists
  3. Linked Lists
  4. Dynamic Programming
Ready to get practicing? Click the button below to start now.

Bonus HTML Lesson: Forms

Have you ever answered a survey on a web page? How about entered information for a job application? Searched on Google? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you've interacted with the ubiquitous HTML form element.

Take this course and learn how to piece together an HTML form of your own. We'll teach you step-by-step how to create inputs, add HTML form validation, and much more. By the end, you'll be able to create a form that can accept user inputs of all kinds.

Bonus Video: What is Agile?

How do you turn an idea for a coding project into reality? The agile software development method is one popular approach.

In this video, we explain what agile software development is and what differentiates it from other software development methods. Then, we'll walk through some real-world use cases where agile really shines.
P.S. Be the first to see new videos as soon as they're released: subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Happy coding,
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