пятница, 28 декабря 2018 г.

Become a data analyst. Work from home. For Microsoft.

Meet Lacey Bathala. When her boss asked her to learn SQL for work, she came to Codecademy. With two kids at home, finding time to study was a challenge. Taking quick breaks whenever she could at work, Lacey busted through our lessons at a rate of about one a day...
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One-Month Resolutions
It's Day 3 of the One-Month Resolution challenge.

Each day, we'll be sharing stories of real people who crushed their goals using Codecademy Pro.

Up next: an inspiring story from a mother of two who landed a job working from home—for Microsoft.
Lacey Bathala
How I landed my dream job as a data analyst
Meet Lacey Bathala. When her boss asked her to learn SQL for work, she came to Codecademy.
With two kids at home, finding time to study was a challenge. Taking quick breaks whenever she could at work, Lacey busted through our lessons at a rate of about one a day. In just 3 weeks, she built a strong foundation in SQL.
"As a working mom of two wanting to further my career, it was perfect," Lacey says. She used her skills to start a career in analytics—and now she works from home as a data analyst for Microsoft.
Demand for data analysts is only going up—and these are some of the best-paid jobs in the industry. We can help you build the foundation you need to start a career in this field—in just one month.
Getting started is easy. Join our One-Month Resolution challenge, pick Become a Data Analyst, and follow the path we've laid out for you.
Start Now
And—for this week only—get special New Year's savings on Pro. Use the code NEWYEARS20 to score 20% off 6-month and annual plans.
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