четверг, 27 декабря 2018 г.

Build your own website in two weeks

Meet Jason Hogge. He's a marketing specialist at an IT services company in Canada—and he came to us to learn to build landing pages.
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One-Month Resolutions
It's Day 2 of the One-Month Resolution challenge. This week, we'll share stories of real people who made big changes using skills they learned in Codecademy Pro.

First up? A marketing specialist who learned to build his own landing pages—and saved his company thousands.
Jason Hogge
How I learned to build my own landing pages from scratch
Meet Jason Hogge. He's a marketing specialist at an IT services company in Canada—and he came to us to learn to build landing pages.
"As a small team, we realized that if you're going to execute email campaigns and call-to-action landing pages, you have to do a lot of it yourself," Jason says. "Previously, we were outsourcing a lot of that to outside agencies. Those outsourcing costs, they're in the thousands."
Jason enrolled in Codecademy, and quickly picked up tangible skills—like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript—that he could put to use immediately. Soon he was building his own landing pages.
"We were holding an event for the industry to talk about IT challenges," Jason said. "I was able to code up a page for the event that linked to the registration page on a different platform. With the skills I learned, it only took me four hours."
"I think I fooled everyone into thinking I was a front-end developer," Jason adds.
Would building your own websites help you excel at your job? Join our One-Month Resolution challenge, choose the Learn How to Build Websites resolution, and pick up skills you can use at work right away.
Start Now
And—for this week only—get special New Year's savings on Pro. Use the code NEWYEARS20 to get 20% off 6-month and annual plans.
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