среда, 26 декабря 2018 г.

It’s the One-Month Resolution challenge. You in?

Last New Years, we ran a One-Day Resolution challenge—where we encouraged our users to complete a single coding goal in one day. This year, we're raising the stakes. Instead of asking you to learn one new skill in a day, we're challenging you to achieve a new career goal in under one month.
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One-Month Resolutions
Last New Year's, we ran a One-Day Resolution challenge—where we encouraged our users to complete a single coding goal in one day.
This year, we're raising the stakes. Instead of asking you to learn one new skill in a day, we're challenging you to achieve a new career goal in under one month. We're calling it the New Year's One-Month Resolution challenge.
No goal is too ambitious. Start a career as a game developer. Learn everything you need to know to ace a coding interview. Whatever your goal, we'll tell you exactly what to learn—and in what order—to get it done in a month or less.
How One-Month Resolutions work
We've carefully curated our courses toward exciting career goals that you can complete in 30 days or less.
Commit to a goal, follow the courses on the list, and crush your resolution. It's that simple.
What to expect
Over the next week, watch your inbox. To keep you motivated, we'll send you stories from real people who've used Codecademy Pro to accomplish big goals.
Oh—and one more thing. This week only, you get a New Year's discount on Codecademy Pro. Use the code NEWYEARS20 to get 20% off our 6-month and annual plans.
It's never been a better time to commit to yourself. Are you in?
Pick My Resolution
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