понедельник, 31 декабря 2018 г.

From zero coding skills to co-founding a web design agency

In the beginning, all Jackson Hardy wanted was to learn some basic HTML and CSS so he could custom edit Squarespace templates at work. Jackson learned HTML and CSS through Codecademy, and quickly moved on to JavaScript.
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One-Month Resolutions
It's Day 6 of the One-Month Resolution challenge.

Each day, we'll share stories of people who did amazing things with the skills they learned in Codecademy Pro.

Next up? A guy who set out to learn a few basics—and ended up co-founding his own web design company.
Jackson Hardy
From coding newbie to startup co-founder
In the beginning, all Jackson Hardy wanted was to learn some basic HTML and CSS so he could custom edit Squarespace templates at work.
Jackson learned HTML and CSS through Codecademy, and quickly moved on to JavaScript. From there, he learned Python, Git, and Ruby—and then mastered the Command Line.
"The most challenging part of learning was I didn't know how to learn it," Jackson says. "The way [Codecademy] 'forced' me to stay engaged was just the push I needed."t. From there, he learned Python, Git, and Ruby—and then mastered the Command Line.
Jackson was applying for jobs as a web developer before he was even halfway done with his first Codecademy course. And just 12 months after he started learning HTML and CSS, he and a friend started their own web design agency: webside.io.
Want to follow in Jackson's footsteps? Join our One-Month Resolution challenge, and pick the Learn the Basics of Coding resolution. We'll teach you the practical basics of all the most popular languages, in less than one month.
Start Now
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