понедельник, 17 декабря 2018 г.

Ever feel like your data isn't persuasive enough?

Have you ever spent hours investigating data and then come out on the other side with a conviction? Maybe you were looking into whether or not your company should make a certain decision or you were putting together a proposal for your community. Maybe you were trying to convince investors that they should back your idea.
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Monday Course Drop
Introducing D3.js
Have you ever spent hours investigating data and then come out on the other side with a conviction?
Maybe you were looking into whether or not your company should make a certain decision or you were putting together a proposal for your community. Maybe you were trying to convince investors that they should back your idea.
The "answer" can look as clear as day—especially if you're the one doing the analysis. But for your data to compel action, you must present your data in a compelling form. This means you need to bring your data to life, and our new course on the powerful JavaScript-based library D3.js will help you do exactly that.
Specifically, D3.js makes it easy to create dynamic, interactive visualizations on a web page. In our new course, we give you data on the most popular YouTube videos and then teach you how to turn that data into a beautiful visualization. Along the way, you'll gain a skill that will make you and your ideas stand out.

Bonus Technical Interview Practice Problems: Linked Lists

Interviewer: We'd like you to reverse a linked list.

Do you get a sense of fear when thinking about this question? Turn what are typically dreaded interview questions into your core strengths with the help of our new course on Technical Interviews. With our latest practice problems on Linked Lists, you'll wrestle a wily linked list into submission as you work through problems of increasing complexity—giving you the confidence and preparation you need to succeed in your next interview.

Bonus C++ Lesson: Loops

Over the last ten days, more than 50,000 learners have started our Learn C++ course. Way to go!

Today, we are bringing you another bonus before the holidays: Loops!

Looping—meaning the repeated execution of code until certain conditions are met—is one of the fundamental concepts of programming. Completing this lesson is essential before you take on more advanced topics. But don't worry. We make this a fun lesson by teaching you how to make a password checker, solve a classic interview question, and create your very own word-based terminal game!

Check back on Thursday for another new lesson, Debugging, as well as the Getting Started with C++ (Episode 2) livestream at 1:30pm EST. There will be surprises so you don't want to miss this one!
Happy coding,
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